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Instagram and Mental Health

As I sit and write this, I feel ashamed. Its been, God-alone knows, how long since I've written on this platform, since I've posted a pic on my Insta page. But then I think to myself, why am I feeling that way, when its my journey and my journey alone - whether I decide to post/ write about my journey is completely up to me, but in today's society it's almost as if you're committing the biggest social faux pas if you don't post about every single minute of your day.

Basically what I'm trying to say is, too often we get swallowed up by what society expects from us and as a result, we don't focus on what is best for us. There's this constant pressure to be perfect and "living your best life"- when in reality, it is beyond tiring and physically exhausting to be acting that way EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. Trust me, I know. a few months back, Instagram and my overuse of the app, caused me to start feeling depressed about my life. The accounts I followed (mostly on cake2confidence and my personal page), showed this perfect, fit life, where they where constantly on the go, living their best life, making the average person feel like a failure. I decided to take a break from that account specifically and just focus on my mental health for a change. For once, it wasn't about my weight, or me living my best fit life, I focused on being happy for a change - which for someone like me (if you've met me in person, you will know that I am not the most pleasant to be around sometimes) was quite the challenge.

I basically needed to change my outlook on life and realise that life isn't what Instagram portrays it to be - its not fair, nor is it glamorous. It's difficult, exhausting but it's yours and it is definitely what you make of it.

So basically, after taking a hiatus which included a magical trip to Europe, it's safe to say I'm back and I'm here to stay. My weight has definitely not changed and yes, I may have gotten slightly, slightly a bit chunky around the edges, but you know what? For once, I am happy to say that I actually don't mind. The way I see it is: me with a bit of extra body + happiness > me all skinny + miserable. Do I have work to do? Yes, of course I do, but this time I'm focusing what is best for me, whether it be attending gym once, twice or thrice a week - whatever makes me happiest is key.

Whether it be selflove, selfcare or you even just feeling yourself, my G, that ish is imperative!! I cannot emphasis it enough, especially in a society like ours that never sleeps.

Do what you love- dance it out, spa it up or eat that doughnut and dare I say it, LOG OUT of Instagram. If you are on Instagram - follow meaningful accounts like Sonny Turner and Jenna Kutchner ( some of my favourite body positive bloggers, who I will be doing a post on for you guys). But most importantly, take care of yourself!

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