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Healthy Blueberry Pancakes vs Good old fashioned pancakes: You decide

So, as per my last post on affordable baking and using what is available to you, I also realized that some people do only have Coconut/almond milk available to them due to various dietary restrictions or reasons ...sooooo I've decided to do two recipes, one using healthy but common ingredients and the other using not so common healthy ingredients.

**Note: common in this context refers to "having access to it in your household without you having to go out and buy it at a special health shop"

Let's begin with the healthy pancakes ( as seen on Instagram) :

You will need:

1 1/4 cups of coconut milk

1 egg

1 banana

1 1/2 cups of chickpea flour

3 1/2 tablespoons of baking powder

2 tablespoons of cornstarch

Optional extra(s) : Blueberries , cinnamon

1. Start off by mixing like with like. i.e. mix your dry ingredients with your dry ingredients and your wet ingredients with your wet ingredients. This will ensure that the batter has a smooth consistency to it and isn't lumpy.

2. Combine the wet ingredients with the dry ingredients by creating a well in the middle and mix thoroughly. Give that arm a workout yasssss!!

3. Once it looks like its reached a consistency that is smooth and it brings you happiness, add your optional extras, if any.

4. Over a medium heat, lightly oil a frying pan using either ghee or coconut oil. ( Ghee was quite quite difficult to find, so I opted for the coconut oil). Make sure that the oil covers the entirety of the pan, so swirl if you have to!

5. Add your dollops of mixture into the pan depending on your preferred size of the said pancake. Wait until bubbles have formed IN THE MIDDLE, not just on the sides ( a mistake I made that ended up in mushy, half cooked pancakes) and then flip over, and fry util golden brown on either side.

6. Serve immediately with a sauce or coulis of your choice and enjoy!

Good old fashioned pancakes:

You will need :

1 1/4 cups of full cream milk/low fat milk/skim milk

1 egg

1 1/2 cups of whole wheat flour

3 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder

1/4 cup of butter ( not margarine!)

Oil/Butter for frying instead of ghee or coconut oil.


Same as above! Only except that you would use butter or (oil!) for your frying.

Let me know how it goes, and if you do decide to post pictures of your attempt, please tag me! I would love to interact with you guys <3

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